Our 3 Day Trip to Portland

Last week was my very first visit to the Pacific Northwest. Needless to say, I fell in love! During our 3 day trip to Portland, Oregon it rained the whole time- but instead of the Florida downpour I’m used to- it was a beautiful soft mist that sprinkled our cheeks and didn’t hinder us from walking around. In fact, I think I walked so much that my calves are still sore! Anyhow, I wanted to put together our 3 day trip into a blog- for anyone who’s interested, or perhaps wants to plan a trip to Portland in the future. As for myself, I am counting down the days until our next venture to the PNW!

Day 1

We arrived in Portland around noon from Oklahoma City and traveled straight to the quaint hilltop neighborhood of Arlington Heights where our Airbnb was located. I did extensive research on what part of town we should stay in while in Portland and ultimately decided on this northwest hood with historic homes that draped unique architecture and bordered the Rose garden, Washington park and the Hoyt arboretum.

Our Airbnb was a private entry through a residential home- that made us feel like locals when we’d take strolls through the neighborhood.

For lunch we decided to walk to a local grocery store that we spotted on our drive in-Zupan’s Market. The walk was only 20 minutes long and full of vibrant green flora! If you are staying in the area, Zupan’s Market was fabulous. I always say, you discover a lot about the local cuisine and the culture by going to a neighborhood grocery store. If I could transport the delicious smells into this text for you I would! Oh and the moss- all the moss!!

For Dinner we ate at Dame- a quaint Italian eatery on the other side of town in the Alberta district. Tuesday nights, they have #redsauce night- where their menu is shortened and their wine selects are half price! Double score! I opted for the cacio e pepe and Joe got the spaghetti and meatballs. Buonismo!

Day 2

Downtown PDX

The morning of Day 2 we went to a small hipstery coffee house called In J Coffee where I sipped on a frothy cappuccino and we munched down their famous breakfast bagels. Our dilemma was that our cheap a**( I’ll omit flavorful words) Target umbrella decided to break after its first use and it was pretty rainy outside. Luckily, this coffee house was just a couple blocks away from the strip of stores in Downtown Portland. Even if you aren’t in dire need to buy an umbrella or even shop for that matter, I really enjoyed walking on Broadway as it had a bustling New York feel to it with its cozy bistros and dancing department stores stunning the streets.

At the end of our downtown stroll we landed at the infamous Powell's City of Books. This is a book lovers paradise. Honestly, I am not sure how you get through the whole store. Any genre, any book, any little knick knack you want…they have it! I imagine one could get utterly lost in a maze of storybooks.

Post our downtown excursion and post lunch at Zupans again— we went on a little hike with our dear friends who were coincidentally visiting Portland from AZ. They took us to the Hoyt Arboretum, and I am so glad they did, because truthfully I don’t know if Joe and I would have wandered into the forest by ourselves. The Hoyt Arboretum is free and has endless trails to walk through. We were surrounded by redwoods and although the rain was coming down the trees protected us from getting soaked. You could definitely spend all day here, wandering through the trails and streams. I feel like we hardly scratched the surface, but I am so thankful we came.

For dinner, I found a cute local spot called The Pocket Pub in the Irvington area. The hanging lights outside welcomed us into the cozy interior. We took a couple seats at bar because we don’t typically mind sitting next to strangers. Dinner was all that we wanted- a couple craft beers and pizza to share. The kitchen was an open concept on our left so we could see them kneading the pizza dough before throwing it into the wood fire oven. I imagine this is the type of place that would be my “usual spot” if I lived in Portland.

After dinner, we took a 10 min walk to Wonder Ballroom, a sorta divey concert hall. About 5 months ago, I bought us tickets to see Hania Rani ( Joe’s favorite pianist) she rarely tours the U.S., but Portland happened to be one of her stops. More the reason to visit! The concert itself was incredible. A beautiful performance with such intricate detail-- Joe was beyond thrilled because he brought his exclusive copy of her composition book and she signed it! Honestly, live music and Portland go hand in hand!

Day 3

Day 3 took shape naturally and it all started with a great chai latte from Barista in the Alphabet district. We had no idea 23rd Ave is the street to be on in Northwest Portland, but it is. This coffeeshop felt like something out of a European bar. Truthfully, we couldn’t have picked a better spot. After chowing down a chocolate croissant, we walked the shop filled streets of 23rd avenue, peeping into stores and people watching as we walked with our large suitcase and sparkly umbrella in hand. I am usually one to try and blend in when traveling, but this was just not one of those days..

What better way to finish our culinary adventure then to refuel with a bowl of steaming hot Pho! Lela’s was located off 23rd and it felt like we were stepping into someone’s home converted into an eatery. Although their was a line of people squeezing in the door, everyone had a table to eat at. Can you smell the broth?!

With our last two hours, we caved and went to the Portland Japanese Garden. Let me tell, whether you visit in summer, fall, winter or spring— this is a MUST see (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise)!! We debated not going due to the weather and that would have been a grave mistake. Heck, as soon as we arrived the sun ( which we hadn’t seen since being in Oregon) decided to peep out and greet us. These gardens are immaculate. Our uber driver, told us it is the most renowned Japanese garden in the entire country. These photos do not do it justice. It was such a serene experience- so quite and peaceful. The tea ceremony at the Umami Café was the cherry on top. Joe Amico is now a green tea drinker- who knew!

Overall, our time in Portland left me feeling refreshed and inspired to explore more of the Pacific Northwest. If you haven’t been I hope this blog encourages you to visit. Leave me a comment below and share your experience with the PNW!


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