Lifestyle Journal

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Another Year

On this rainy day in Jacksonville, Florida I am 23 years old and alive & well. I am a bit late on this but my birthday was not too long ago. Another year has passed and I've felt this beauty about getting to a stage in life where I feel comfortable in my own skin.

A few things I've learned in the past year are as follows:

1. Words are words are words,

On this note, I'll ask you:

  •  What makes words valid to you?

  • Are there expections you put on what people say to you?

  • How much  power do you give people's words?

  • Do other's words define you or how you feel?

These are all questions I've struggled with in the past year and perhaps more. I'm no where close to mastering the art of utter tranquility and I'm not saying people's words don't get to me because they very much do. But I've had a new awareness on this subject. I've seen that actions themselves express someone's priorities. (something that Ghandi himself quoted I believe) And words often reveal more about the person they are coming from then about what they may actually be saying to you. So consider it.

2. My second discovery this past year has been my own independence and possibility. It's so easy and I see so many people looking to their partner for their own life goals and revolving their possibility to on another. I have been guilty of this myself honestly. At this very moment I can see my potential more than I ever have. It's sometimes scary and overwhelming because it feels a lot safer to settle with something comfortable but at the same time I have never felt so full and proud of myself before. Possibility in the unknown has two options; fear or full embracement . I choose to embrace it all.

3. My last inspiration that I leave you all with as I close the page of 22 :

  “Be like the ocean. Breathtaking to look at, strong enough to not be destroyed, and gentle enough so others find comfort in your presence.”