To Travel

My first ever international trip was to Mexico City, Mexico. My mother had just completed her Fulbright program where she spent a year in Mexico. She created a non-profit in a rural town of indigenous people and brought me along to share the place that she deeply cared for.

I was 13 when we traveled there. I got food poisoning on my second day, had feverish cold sweats the entire trip, was followed through inner city Mexico, ate more papaya then I knew was possible, and yet somehow I survived.

During our two weeks there, my mother shared with me the importance of adapting to a new environment. She taught me how to blend in with the locals, how navigate a new city, and how to communicate and have compassion for people different than myself.

My mom has been gone for almost 10 years of my life now. Since that very first trip I’ve been to 7 different countries and more cities, small towns, and provinces than I could have imagined. Looking back, I truly believe that my love for travel is all thanks to her.

This past month, I returned from perhaps one of the longest/farthest trips I’ve done to date. My partner and I spent 11 days in Marloth Park, South Africa. It was about 25 minutes from Kruger National Park and 45 minutes from the border of Mozambique. It was incredible, yet truly indescribable. I created a video to share our experience and show those who were curious a glimpse of another part of the world (if you’re interested you can watch it here).

So anyhow, this recent trip abroad furthered my devotion and passion for travel. You see, because travel is more than just going to a cool place.

To travel is in the food you eat and the people you get to meet (I didn’t mean to rhyme there).

To travel is to discover the world, and to stretch beyond the bubble of your everyday life and comfort.

To travel is to expand what you know and be open to what you don’t.

To travel is to face challenges, and overcome them.

This trips challenge was traveling while the world is in fear, traveling under mandates and restrictions. This trips challenge was driving through unknown remote areas. This trips challenge was things going wrong, but still traveling.

To travel is to see the beauty our planet offers and the likeness of humanity that connects us all.

So when in doubt dear ones, I encourage you to travel. To explore. Even if it’s within the vast landscape of your own country. Each place has so much to offer.

And because if not now, then when? As I’ve found, to travel is one of life’s greatest adventures.


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