6 Best Things I’ve Purchased for my Puppy!

So I am writing this list from pure experience. With a new puppy around the house and my older dog, Miss Cleo, adapting to all the change- I spent  A LOT of time reading reviews on what to buy.  I think this list can be great for new puppy/dog owners, or honestly if you just want some inspo for your next trip to the pet store. I supported my local pet shop, Hollywood Feed, and also bought a few items on amazon. I'll be providing the links attached for all the items.

Here we go! My most simplified list of puppy must-haves:

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Crinkley Duck Dog Toy

This one was an instant win! Having a lab puppy- who’s had sensory training with birds, this is his FAVORITE  toy. The crinkly noise immediately gets his attention when he is about to chew on my finger and diverts his little teeth to the satisfyingly soft toy duck. 

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Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Toy

So don’t be fooled, this is no ordinary stuffed toy. This snuggle puppy was designed to comfort your new pup and keep him/her warm and cozy throughout the night. I loved the fact that it allows you to put a heating pad inside the toy and that the heart can be turned on to create a low vibration.. I gave this to little Ryder Jr. on the first day he came to our house and he used it throughout nap time!

Hey anything that keeps the pup calm and peaceful is on my good list!

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When I first adopted Miss Cleo back in college- the animal shelter gave me a kennel for her. I used it 1 day before folding it up and selling it on FaceBook Marketplace. No judgment for anyone who does crate train their dogs, it just wasn't for me- and Cleo never needed it to be honest. So naturally, when I was preparing for Ryder Jr.’s big arrival I felt the same about crate training, but knew I needed a way for both dogs to have space and for the little guy to stay out of trouble if I’m on a work call and Joe is away.  After doing extensive research I found many pet owners  who suggested a playpen as a nice alternative to kenneling. Funny thing is, this play pin can also be used for both toddlers and pups so it can be a two in one if you’re in the market! All jokes aside, it’s a great alternative to crating, and it has been extremely helpful at the start of Ryder’s puppyhood.


Raw Goat Milk

Who knew!? Well I sure didn't. It wasn’t until I chatted with my local dog store associate that I learned that raw goat’s milk is extremely beneficial for both puppies and dogs of all ages!  Think of it like a nutrient rich dog beverage that is filled with electrolytes, minerals and vitamins--- all the good stuff. Mixing it into their kibbles during dinner time=happy dogs

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If there is one thing i’ve learned about being a dog owner, it's that working your dog out mentally is just as important as working them out physically! Mental stimulation is huge for maintaining a smart and non-destructive furry friend! This treat container is genius! This specific company sells a few different levels depending on what best suits your pup.I purchased this “ Level 2” interactive puzzle game and use it for lunch time kibbles with Ryder. Not only has he figured out how to use it, but it also slows down his eating which is a double perk!

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Did someone say TREATS?!

Dog treats are obviously essential for any dog. But these ones I highly recommend! Our local dog store carries them and they are a healthier option then the typical beef/jerky treats most places have. They are also the perfect size for training our little troublemaker--Ryder Jr. ( Miss Ceo likes them too). 

So there you have! As an animal lover and more specifically a dog-mom. I thoroughly enjoyed putting this list together. If you’re curious to hear more from Ryder Jr- you can follow him along at his personal instagram here: (I know what you’re thinking… millennials- but honestly, insta has quite the dog community) Anyhow! I hope your four-legged friend finds a new goodie or six out of this list… Enjoy! 


Weekend Getaway to Texas!