Thoughts and Other Matters

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You're the type of person

that makes forever


too short

Have you ever met someone and the moment you saw them you knew your life was about to change? The expression of their face told you that they were something more, they weren't a casual encounter that you may never see again. Their open arms told you that they already knew you even if you didn't quiet know yourself.

I ask this, well, because I have.

I remember the first time I met you, it was like yesterday in the sense of how vividly I can see it all. What has stayed in my mind the most was your smile. You had one of those smiles that are rare in life. It was almost as if you said "I've known you all along " rather than, "nice to meet to you".

If you take the time you can tell a lot by a persons gaze; by the way in which their eyes set on others. Some eyes merely look past you, some can't even look at yours straight on, some drift from person to person, some fall straight to the ground, and if you're lucky you'll meet someone with eyes that believe in you without ever knowing you before.

So here I am a few years later, looking back at everything since that moment. The moment in which you opened the door and I saw you for the first time;  I was thinking it would just be another hello and nothing else.  And all I can think of now is how you are the person that does make forever seem too short. And as lame and as high school-ish as that may sound I think it's true. Not sure if you've heard that before but you should know. I've learned time is so short, and moments pass by without even leaving a chance to take them in. So I wanted to write about this one.

I'll leave you all with this,

We pass by hundreds, sometimes thousands  of people every day, everyone with their own stories and own lives that we seldom can ever see. So when you meet someone that before even words come out you know is about to change your life don't run away. Go head first, because in life these people are what make it all worth while.


The Art of Discovering


The Chaos of A Gorgeous Mess