A Trip To The City

New York City,

It’s been 4 years since I strolled through the captivating streets and popped in and out of metro stops. For those of you that don’t know, I lived in the city for a summer before grad school. I had the chance to sublet a friends apartment in Harlem and I did just that. Weaving my way through coffee shops and yoga classes while carrying a large GRE textbook in summer of 17. So when I found out my company was bringing all of us together to the big apple I was ecstatic. This would be first time meeting everyone I work with in-person ( I WFH), and first time returning to NYC since so much has changed in our world. To say my anticipation was real- is an understatement!

Day 1

After arriving in Newark on Sunday afternoon, I made my way to the Canopy hotel by Hilton located in Jersey City. I arrived a day earlier than most of my team as I wanted some extra time to take in the city around me. This was my first time in Jersey City, and i’ll admit I didn’t have the highest expectations for it would be like— but upon arriving, my Jersey shore judgments were quickly swept away. Soon after settling into the hotel, a friend of mine who lives in the area invited me for a walk to show me around the neighborhood- Jersey side!

3 hours later and whole lotta’ walking, I can officially say there is more to Jersey City then meets the eye!

I have a few favorite spots that I’d definitely recommend checking out. These are the kinda places that make you feel like a local and less of a visitor; Take note:

  • Kanibal & Co Such a unique local shop, perfect for bringing home gifts for loved ones, quirky cards, or home goods!

  • Satis Bistro ( As pictured above) I stopped here for a bite to eat and was treated so kindly. Locally owned, lovely seating indoor or out.

  • Maggie’s Farmhouse Espresso I stopped in here a few occasions during my time in JC. Not only do they have fabulous coffee, but I highly recommend their green ginger freshly pressed juice!


Day 2

Bright and early Monday morning, I took the Path from Jersey City to 14th street in Manhattan. My first order of business was to visit my longstanding yoga studio Lyons Den Power Yoga in Chelsea. It’s always funny coming from a place where you don’t use public transit ( AKA Oklahoma) to suddenly popping up like a groundhog in the big city and trying to figure out which way Google maps is telling you to go whilst still trying to look like total boss on the streets…Yeaah, I may or may not have done a few walking U-Turns. Nevertheless, I found my way and saw the gleaming red sign that I’ve seen so many times before.

My visit to the den was too short! But being able to squeeze in a class during my quick trip was essential. I was lucky enough to get to practice next to my work teammate (and now friend) and one of my favorite instructors. I honestly had forgotten what it’s like to practice next to other human beings. I know that sounds weird, but I have been doing at-home yoga since the pandemic and didn’t realize how I have missed hearing others breathe beside me throughout class.

Anyhow, before I get too teary-eyed , I’ll continue sharing about the day; as it was one of my favorite days in NYC. After class, my friend brought me to one of her top coffee shops located in Greenwich called the Collective Café. When I tell you this place has the BEST cappuccino I’ve ever had, I am by no means exaggerating. Believe me, I’ve had a lot of world renowned cappuccinos! After indulging in a pretty hearty avocado toast, we perused around West Village. Honestly, New York in the summertime is glorious.


Later that day,

When traveling, most of my day seems to be planned from meal to meal. As cliché as this sounds, I am a major foodie and food lover. So to my delight, my team of 4 let me chose between a list of places to eat that night. And the winner was Malatesta Trattoria (yes, I went with the most authentic Italian place on that list).

This was an especially lovely dinner, as these 3 individuals are people I work with every single day via zoom or via chat. To meet and enjoy a meal together was just the most rewarding thing. I wish I had more photos of this place for you all, but imagine the stark epitome of a NYC street corner Italian restaurant (and not the touristy type). Go to the website I underlined above if you want to take a better look. Wine, bread, pasta, oh my! I could have been there all night.. Alas, our 2 local teammates showed us more of Greenwich village and I fell asleep that night dreaming of lively outdoor cafes, intimate shop windows, and old ivy laced brick stone apartments.

Day 3

The real work began Tuesday morning. The excitement of the larger team meeting face-to-face for the first time brought fruitful energy into the conference room. The day was spent as expected of most presentation days. Lots of dark coffee, engaging discussions, and meeting notes! There was about 10 of us total, and I couldn’t help but feel like everything was a bit surreal. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be on a business trip for a Fintech company that operated fully remote and was one of their founding employees on the US team, I would have never believed you! Remember, dance major over here?! But it’s so fascinating to see how life takes us through avenues we never thought we’d explore (or knew existed). Anyhow, just one of those things that makes you realize life has so many possibilities to offer.

View from dinner

View from dinner

In the evening,

The company had arranged a dinner on the Hudson River, a lovely spot named Battelo that had a view of the city (perks of being on the Jersey side).

These sort of large dinners are always my favorite. One long table that hosts a comradery of conversations, colorful cocktails, and genuine laughter over a shared meal. By the end of the evening we were no longer just co-workers, but honest friends. And as much as I love working remotely, sometimes sitting beside a coworker at the dinner table is the most authentic way to get to know a person.

Before we all parted ways, I summoned my inner YOLO, and corralled those who weren’t jet legged to join me for one last night stroll through Manhattan. After all, there’s something invigorating about the streets of NYC and being with those that you know you may not see for quite a while. Jumping on the Path one last time we found ourselves walking through a Firehouse Subs only to go up a flight stairs and land in a rockin’ speak easy. It’s times like these that lead to the best memories.


Day 4,

Wednesday flew by as most last days do. The final “goodbyes” and “see you laters” were exchanged amongst our group.

Once on the plane, I felt both extremely exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. It had been such a special last few days and I felt grateful to have been able to travel. After all, the best of trips are the ones that ignite a spark from within and this one was filled with such good company, lots of laughs, and new stories to tell of the big city.

Au revior NYC, until next time!



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