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The Drop Off

Have you ever been in the ocean drop off? A place where the floor beneath you becomes nonexistent. The water here seems heavier and it's as if you feel the full force of your weight pulling you downwards towards the bottom.

If you've never been here, I applaud you. Cheers to you, because it's not a place many seem to find company in. In fact, the drop off is a rather quiet-some place. Not the sort of quiet that you enjoy on a warm summer's day basking in the sun. But instead, the sort of quiet that consumes you while your mind chatters around in endless circles. It's a sense of heaviness from your emotions that wrap around your lips disabling you from speech.

Some days, unexpectedly, I find myself in the abyss of the deep blue drop off. Nothing that I can recall leads me here it is just a place that often finds me. When I'm there, I strive to reach the top of the water line. I've tried to swim to the side and reach the shallower waters, the waters where I can see the sun rays beaming in and easing the weight of my own body. Often times, my strokes seem so meek, they seem not to make a single impact against the heavy water. Even so, when I reach to the surface to take a mere breath I am pulled in further down again. And there are days when I don't even try to swim out of the drop-off. Because sometimes, just accepting being there is all there is to do.

So if you are ever in the drop-off, know that even if you find the quietness of it all consuming you, there are others here too. And perhaps, you may not see them or hear them, but remember you are never in the drop off completely alone.