Lifestyle Journal

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What if someone told you that this could be your greatest year yet?

That all old could be made new again.

That you are not actually stuck.

That the things that happened do not have to define you.

That the ones you lost weren’t meant to stay.

What if someone told you that you have limitless potential to create the life you want?

That you can begin again

right here

right now

to redefine

to rescope

the you

that you

want to create

—to authentically be.

Would you do things differently?

Would you love more deeply?

Would you speak how you really feel?

Would you do the things you actually want to be doing?

And say fuck it to the rest?

Would you let yourself be free?

Free from the insecurities that hold you back?

So what if someone told you that this year has the potential to be the year?

The start of your greatest years

The year you embark on your purpose

on your potential

Would you believe them?