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The Chaos of A Gorgeous Mess

Imperfection is beauty. You may have heard this once or twice before. Psychologically speaking, I think as humans we often expect perfection or think that something must be wrong when its nonexistent in a situation or relationship; when in reality, it's someone's imperfections that make us fall in love with them. Well, I'll speak less for others and more on behalf on my own account.

I love the imperfections and messy parts of the people I care for; It gives them their humanity, their life, their authenticity. Now would you ever really know if you loved someone if you only saw the nice side of them and vise versa? If you choose to fall in love, I've learned loving the other side that's messy, chaotic, and hurtful is just as important. This is the only way  where I've experienced that deep patience, compassion, and acceptance can grow.

A quote I wrote today in inspiration of many personal aspects in my life right now goes as follows:

Some of the most lovely things in life are such beautiful messes

I have a lot beautiful messes in my life and I would consider them to be the most lovely aspects of it all.

First and foremost, I consider myself  a complete and utter mess.

  • I have a million dreams and inspirations and don't know where to begin with any of them

  • I have so much  passion and drive, but feel overwhelmed by it all

  • I fall in love and expect others to be at the same place as me

  • I am stubborn beyond belief

  • I  chose not to see things I don't want to believe exist

  • And I have signed up for more commitments than I have energy for

So cheers to imperfection. Cheers to messiness. Because honestly, how boring would life be without it all?